A new design technique of TFT-LCD display for avionics application

作者:Catelani M; Ciani L*; Barile G
来源:Microelectronics Reliability, 2012, 52(9-10): 1776-1780.


In avionics application it%26apos;s fundamental that each system, sub-system or a component achieves a high level of reliability. To this aim, reliability prediction and an accurate test planning are required in the design phase in order to avoid undesirable fault or failure during the operating life cycle of any aeronautics equipment. %26lt;br%26gt;In this paper, a research activity concerning the design and reliability assessment of TFT-LCD for avionics application is presented. The results obtained by the development, characterization and reliability analysis of a customize display which will be installed in a military aircraft cockpit are discussed. As the device under test is an innovative display, an evaluation and analysis of the reliability performances is essential. Tests on the display have been implemented to validate the customizing process.