
A personalized service in the ubiquitous environment is to provide services or items, which reflect personal tastes, attitudes, and contexts. It is impossible to reflect the context information generated in u-healthcare environments due to the existing recommendation system performing the recommendation using the information directly input by users and application usage record only. This study develops a context-aware model using the context information provided by the context information model. The study applies it to the extraction of the missing value in a collaborative filtering process. The context-aware model reflects the information that selects items by users according to the appropriate context using the C-HMM and provides it to users. The solution of the missing value in the preference significantly affects the recommendation accuracy in a preference based item supply method. Thus, this study developed a new collaborative filtering for ubiquitous environments by reflecting the missing preference value and reflecting it to the collaborative filtering using the context-aware model. Also, the validity of this method will be evaluated by applying it to menu services in u-healthcare services.
