
Graph datasets with billions of edges, such as social and web graphs, are prevalent, and scalability is critical. All-distances sketches (ADS) [Cohen 1997], are a powerful tool for scalable approximation of statistics. The sketch is a small size sample of the distance relation of a node which emphasizes closer nodes. Sketches for all nodes are computed using a nearly linear computation and estimators are applied to sketches of nodes to estimate their properties. We provide, for the first time, a unified exposition of ADS algorithms and applications. We present the historic inverse probability (HIP) estimators which are applied to the ADS of a node to estimate a large natural class of statistics. For the important special cases of neighborhood cardinalities (the number of nodes within some query distance) and closeness centralities, HIP estimators have at most half the variance of previous estimators and we show that this is essentially optimal. Moreover, HIP obtains a polynomial improvement for more general statistics and the estimators are simple, flexible, unbiased, and elegant. For approximate distinct counting on data streams, HIP outperforms the original estimators for the HyperLogLog MinHash sketches (Flajolet et al. 2007), obtaining significantly improved estimation quality for this state-of-the-art practical algorithm.

  • 出版日期2015-9