Extended dynamic Mott transition in the two-band Hubbard model out of equilibrium

作者:Behrmann Malte*; Fabrizio Michele; Lechermann Frank
来源:Physical Review B, 2013, 88(3): 035116.


We reformulate the time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation by M. Schiro and M. Fabrizio, in the framework of slave-boson mean-field theory, which is used to investigate the dynamical Mott transition of the generic two-band Hubbard model at half filling upon an interaction quench. Interorbital fluctuations lead to notable changes with respect to the single-band case. The singular dynamical transition is replaced by a broad regime of long-lived fluctuations between metallic and insulating states, accompanied by intriguing precursor behavior. A mapping to a spin model proves helpful to analyze the different regions in terms of the evolution of an Ising-like order parameter. Contrary to the static case, singlet occupations remain vital in the Mott-insulating regime with finite Hund%26apos;s exchange.