
In situ syntheses and X-ray structures of three novel cationic-anionic complexes: [(CoLBr)-Br-1][(ZnLLZnBr5)-L-2-Zn-3] (1), and [(CoLCl)-Cl-1][(ZnLBr3)-Br-3] (2) and [(CoLCl)-Cl-1][(ZnLCl3)-Cl-3] (3) L-1 = N, N, N-tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-ylmethyl) amine, L-2 = hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine), L-3 = 3,5-dimethylpyrazole, have been reported. The presence of three different organic ligands (L-1, L-2 and L-3) in isolated complexes results from various reactions taking place in the system which contains zerovalent cobalt and 1-hydroxymethyl-3,5dimethylpyrazole as starting materials, in the presence of Zn(II) ions. The scorpionate-type ligand (L-1) formed in situ, possesses four potential donor sites, specifically three nitrogen donor atoms from the pyrazole rings, and one from tertiary amine, all of which coordinate to Co(II). They form a distorted trigonal bipyramidal [CoL1X]+ cation whereas anionic parts include tetrahedrally coordinated zinc(II). The crystal structures and electronic (UV-Vis), infrared (FT-IR) spectra and thermal investigation of the isolated complexes have been analysed and discussed. Finally, the biological activity of 1-3 complexes was assessed. All the tested complexes expressed higher selectivity towards human cancer cells than towards human normal cells and showed a substantial antitumor activity against: colorectal adenocarcinomas Caco-2 and SW 620, hepatocellular carcinoma Hep G2 and lung carcinoma A549.

  • 出版日期2016