
The age dependence of the oval cell response and bile duct carcinomas of male F344 rats exposed to a cyclic choline deficiency-ethionine (CDE) diet (2 weeks on, 1 week off) supports the concept of loss of potential of liver stem cells to form cancers with aging. Livers of rats exposed at 3 weeks of age demonstrated a robust and widespread oval cell proliferation followed by cholangiofibrosis and bile duct metaplasia with extensive mucinous cysts throughout all lobes, and induction of cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) in seven of eight rats. Livers of rats exposed beginning at 8 weeks of age had much less oval cell response and cholangiofibrosis with only 1 of 15 rats developing a CCA. Livers in old (10-12 months when started) rats remained virtually unaffected, with minimal oval cell proliferation, only occasional and small foci of ductular dysplasia, and none of 16 rats developed CCAs. In contrast to most published studies using uninterrupted choline deficiency plus a carcinogen, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was not observed under the conditions of this study. Conclusion: With aging, male F344 rats exposed to cyclic CDE diet display a diminished oval cell response and fewer CCAs. The absence of HCC is possibly due to the fact that during cyclic CDE, the week off may allow putative liver stem cells to avoid death or differentiation and survive to give rise to CCAs, whereas with continuous CDE exposure, the stem cells are forced to differentiate and develop into HCCs with relatively few CCAs. (HEPATOLOGY 2010;52:1750-1757)

  • 出版日期2010-11