An Empirical Expression to Predict the Resonant Frequencies of Archimedean Spirals

作者:Hooker Jerris W*; Ramaswamy Vijaykumar; Arora Rajendra K; Edison Arthur S; Withers Richard S; Nast Robert E; Brey William W
来源:IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015, 63(7): 2107-2114.


This paper presents an empirical formula to accurately determine the frequencies of the fundamental and higher order resonances of an Archimedean spiral in a uniform dielectric medium in the absence of a ground plane. The formula is based on method-of-moments simulations, which have been experimentally validated. This empirical formula is widely applicable to a broad range of spirals from thin-ring to disk-shaped (ratio of inner to outer radii 0 to 1), with ten or more turns.