
The weak interface of landfill liner system is easy to be instable. Based on the mechanism analysis of reinforced geomembrane and sand interface, and combined with the traditional two wedges analysis model, the bearing resistance effect on the stability of the landfill liner system is considered; and an analytic solution of the slope stability is also built. Associated with the preliminary design of practical projects, the stability of reinforced geomembrane liner system is studied. The effects of reinforcement shape, reinforcement height and reinforcement space on the slope stability are analyzed. Analysis results show that this analytic solution can better calculate the safety factor of reinforced geomembrane liner system. When the reinforcement space comes to 20 mm, the effect of reinforcement height on safety factor is bigger. When the reinforcement height reaches a certain value, the safety factor decreases with the increasing reinforcement space. But if the reinforcement space is larger than 200 mm, the shear properties of reinforced geomembrane are close to that of smooth geomembrane.
