
In the wireless communication, the receiving efficiency of optical signal is easily effected by the beam deflection caused by the complex environment. A specialty optical taper of exponential function type is proposed to receive the spatial optical signal. It is made of pure glass, and the type of profile curve effects receiving performance directly. The generatrix equation is deduced. Based on the ray-optics theory, the ray trace and output energy of light transmitting through the optical taper are analyzed. The experimental platform is set up to measure the coupling efficiency, and errors are also analyzed. The experimental results show that the profile curve of the exponential optical taper is well consistent with the theory. The receiving range of this specialty optical taper can be up to 6.8 mm, and the maximum coupling efficiency can be up to 57%. It can be used to receive optical signal in the fields of wireless optical communication, optical fiber communication, and beam coupling.

  • 出版日期2014
