
During the last years significant efforts have been made to discover compounds with inhibitory activity of quorum-sensing systems, which could represent an anti-pathogenic strategy, since they will inhibit the coordinated expression of virulence determinants, without interfering with bacterial growth, being less likely to generate resistance. The present study is reviewing the main types of quorum sensing inhibitors known to date, that manifest the potential to be used as anti-virulence drugs for the treatment of infections with multidrug resistant P. aeruginosa strains, and describes a new strategy of virulence attenuation based on organic acids produced by probiotic strains, which have been proved to influence in sub-inhibitory (sI) grown concentrations the QS genes expression in P. aeruginosa multidrug resistant strains, proving that the organic acids secreted by probiotics could act as quorum sensing inhibitors.

  • 出版日期2013-1