
For uplink multi-user massive MIMO systems, conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) linear detection method achieves near-optimal performance when the number of antennas at base station is much larger than that of the single-antenna users. However, MMSE detection involves complicated matrix inversion, thus making it cumbersome to be implemented cost-effectively and rapidly. In this paper, we first summarize in detail the state-of-the-art simplified MMSE detection algorithms that circumvent the complicated matrix inversion and hence reduce the computation complexity from O(K-3) to O(K-2) or O(NK) with some certain performance sacrifice. Meanwhile, we divide the simplified algorithms into two categories, namely the matrix inversion approximation and the classical iterative linear equation solving methods, and make comparisons between them in terms of detection performance and computation complexity. In order to further optimize the detection performance of the existing detection algorithms, we propose more proper solutions to set the initial values and relaxation parameters, and present a new way of reconstructing the exact effective noise variance to accelerate the convergence speed. Analysis and simulation results verify that with the help of proper initial values and parameters, the simplified matrix inversion based detection algorithms can achieve detection performance quite close to that of the ideal matrix inversion based MMSE algorithm with only a small number of series expansions or iterations.
