
Teicoplanin (TCP) is an important lipoglycopeptide antibiotic produced by fermenting Actinoplanes teichomyceticus. The change in TCP concentration is important to measure in the fermentation process. In this study, a reagent-free and rapid quantification method for TCP in the TCP-Tris-HCl mixture samples was developed using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy by focusing our attention on the fermentation process for TCP. The absorbance optimization (AO) partial least squares (PLS) was proposed and integrated with the moving window (MW) PLS, which is called AO-MW-PLS method, to select appropriate wavebands. A model set that includes various wavebands that were equivalent to the optimal AO-MW-PLS waveband was proposed based on statistical considerations. The public region of all equivalent wavebands was just one of the equivalent wavebands. The obtained public regions were 1540-1868 nm for TCP and 1114-1310 nm for Tris. The root-mean-square error and correlation coefficient for leave-one-out cross validation were 0.046 mg mL(-1) and 0.9998 mg mL(-1) for TCP, and 0.235 mg mL(-1) and 0.9986 mg mL(-1) for Tris, respectively. All the models achieved highly accurate prediction effects, and the selected wavebands provided valuable references for designing specialized spectrometers. This study provided a valuable reference for further application of the proposed methods to TCP fermentation broth and to other spectroscopic analysis fields.