A magnetic metamaterial-based spatial filter for phased-array applications

作者:Li, B.*; Zhou, T.; Zheng, X.; Chen, Y.; Ji, C. L.; Zhao, Z. Y.
来源:Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19(sup3): S370-S373.


Metamaterials are engineered materials that show negative values of permittivity and/or permeability over a finite frequency band. It has been a real challenge to obtain negative values of permeability since there are no free magnetic charges in nature. However, various resonator structures such as split-ring resonators, spiral resonators, and S-shaped resonators (SSRs) have been demonstrated to have negative values for the real part of effective permeability over narrow spectral bands. In this paper, an SRR-type metamaterial will be presented to enhance the radiation performance of array antenna by suppressing side-lobes with low additional loss. This kind of structure performs as spatial angular filters, whose transmission coefficient decreases as the incident angle increases.