
The aim of this study was to report on a modified cannulating method for the BVS5000 left ventricular assist device. From April 2005 to April 2006, a BVS5000 device was implanted using a modified cannulating method in 7 postcardiotomy male patients after, coronary artery bypass grafting for left ventricular support. The inflow cannula was inserted into the left atrial artery through a segment of bovine jugular vein and the arterial cannula into the femoral artery. Five patients were successfully weaned from the BVS5000 after recovery of heart function and were discharged from hospital. The BVS5000 was explanted using a minimally invasive technique. The weaning procedure was completed bedside in the intensive care unit under local anesthesia; resternotomy was not necessary. The modified technique is a simpler, safer and more minimally invasive method for selected patients supported by the BVS5000.