
Increased caregiving burden and HIV-related disability have important implications for affected populations and health and social security systems in southern Africa. Based on a review of HIV, caregiving, and disability literature, and of existing disability models, the authors discuss the potential interrelationships between caregiving and disability in the context of HIV. They develop an exploratory model to illustrate these linkages. Co-existing experiences of disability and caregiving burden may lead to a vicious cycle of deteriorating well-being among affected households and place additional strain on social security systems. HIV may exacerbate this cycle at both a micro and a macro level. Research, policy, and practice should aim to provide more effective synergies between rehabilitation, HIV treatment, care and support, and household livelihood interventions. Particular attention should be paid to the ability of social systems to meet the specific needs of informal care providers with disability and their care recipients.

  • 出版日期2014-8