
The present work attempts to explore the mechanisms of the generation and development of the biting force during teeth penetration by analyzing the force-penetration curve patterns when incising the different textural foodstuffs (cheese, apple, carrot, hula hoops and biscuit). Results showed that, for each food sample, the magnitude of biting force is directly related to the penetrating depth of incisors although the time scale (speed, total biting period, time to maximum biting force, etc.) of the tooth movement may change with the food types and sample thickness. The profile shape and dimension of the force-penetration curves strongly depends on the mechanical behaviors of the food materials and the sizes of the specimen. Masticatory parameters such as biting force and the work used are very important factors that can be used to define food texture. Also, plotting the biting force against teeth movement provides valuable information for characterizing food texture. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The acceptability of most foods is strongly influenced by the expectations of consumers about food texture. The food texture is perceived by the human senses and depends on the material properties of foods and the manner in which they are deformed and broken down in the mouth. The present work shows that the force-penetration curve pattern during first bite contains important information about the mechanical properties of the food tested and sample size. The study may be able to help clarify how the human body interacts with different foods and provide the knowledge required for understanding the events occurred in both objective and subjective texture tests.