
Mobile cloud computing environments have overcome the performance limitation of mobile devices and provide use environments not restricted by places. However, user information protection mechanisms are required because of both the security vulnerability of mobile devices and the security vulnerability of cloud computing. In this paper, a multifactor mobile device authentication system is proposed to provide safety, efficiency, and user convenience for mobile device use in cloud service architectures. This system improves security by reinforcing the user authentication required before using cloud computing services. Furthermore, to reinforce user convenience, the system proposed increases the strength of authentication keys by establishing multiple factors for authentication. For efficient entries in mobile device use environments, this system combines mobile device identification number entries, basic ID/password type authentication methods, and the authentication of diverse user bio-information. This system also enhances authentication efficiency by processing the authentication factors of a user's authentication attempt in a lump instead of one by one in the cloud computing service environment. These authentication factors can be continuously added, and this authentication system provides authentication efficiency even when authentication factors are added. The main contribution is to improve high security level by through authentication of mobile devices with multifactors simultaneously and to use the mobile cloud service architecture for its efficient processing with respect to execution time of it.

  • 出版日期2015-3-10