
Annexin A11 (Anxa11), a Ca2+-regulated phospholipid-binding protein, is involved in cell apoptosis, differentiation, vesicle trafficking, cancer progression and autoimmune diseases. Previous study from our group indicated that Anxa11 was associated with lymphatic metastatic potential of murine hepatocarcinoma cells. Herein, we investigated the effects and action mechanism of Anxa11 knockdown on in vitro cell proliferation and apoptosis of Hca-F, a murine hepatocarcinoma cell with similar to 75% lymph node metastatic potential. Real-time PCR and western blotting assays indicated that Anxa11 was significantly downregulated in monoclonal Anxa11-shRNA-transfected Hca-F cells. Anxa11 knockdown in Hca-F suppressed its in vitro proliferation and cell apoptosis capacities. Following Anxa11 knockdown in Hca-F cells, Bax/Bcl-2 expression level ratio, Akt2 and FoxO1 (pSer319) expression levels as well as MMP-9 mRNA and active MMP-9 protein levels were significantly elevated in Hca-F cells. In conclusion, Annexin A11 knockdown inhibits the in vitro proliferation and cell apoptosis of Hca-F cell via Akt2/FoxO1 and/or MMP-9 expression pathway. Anxa11 might play an important role in hepatocarcinoma cell invasion and metastasis and hepatocarcinoma malignancy.