
Background/Aims: Goitre incidence in school-aged children evaluated using ultrasonography is one of the essential indicators of iodine intake in a given area. The aim of the study was to examine what the difference is between the volume of the thyroid gland measured in the supine and sitting position and to determine the intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-position variations. Methods: The survey was conducted among 87 children (56 girls and 31 boys aged 7-13 years, mean age 10.44 +/- 1.72 years). Results: The thyroid volume measured in a sitting position was significantly lower than that measured in the supine position. The intra-observer variations for the total thyroid volume equalled 9.56-9.65%. The inter-observer variations were significantly higher and amounted to 34.5-35.7%. Conclusions: The way in which ultrasound evaluation is performed is important for the analysis of the results. It is crucial to aim for the smallest inter-ob-server variation, which can be achieved by strictly defining the methods of the thyroid measurement and comparing one's measuring techniques with the reference method. The use of standards in ultrasound evaluation performed in the supine position, as well as the use of standards without a strict determination of the study method, can lead to erroneous conclusions.

  • 出版日期2017
