
Default-mode network (DMN) plays a key role in a broad-scale cognitive problem, which occurs in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). However, little is known about the alterations of the network homogeneity (NH) of DMN in TLE. In the present study, we employed NH method to investigate the NH of DMN in TLE at rest. A total of 47 patients with TLE (right TLE [rTLE] 29, and left TLE [ITLE] 18) and 35 healthy controls who underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging were enrolled. NH approach was used to analyze the data. rTLE exhibited decreased NH in the right middle temporal pole gyrus and increased NH in the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex compared to the control group. In ITLE. decreased NH was observed in left inferior temporal gyrus and left hippocampus. Meanwhile, we found that ITLE had a longer performance reaction time. No significant correlation was found between abnormal NH values and clinical variables in the patients. These findings suggested that abnormal NH of the DMN exists in rTLE and ITLE, and highlighted the significance of DMN in the pathophysiology of cognitive problems occurring in TLE and also found the existence of abnormality of executive function in ITLE. Abbreviations: AAL = anatomical automatic labeling, AEDs = antiepileptic drugs, ANT = attentional network test, DMN = default mode network, EPI = echo planar imaging, FOV = field of view, GRF = Gaussian random field, HIC = hippocampus, ICA = independent component analysis, ITG = inferior temporal gyrus, ITLE = left TLE, MMSE = mini-mental state examination, MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute, MPFC = medial prefrontal cortex, MTPG = middle temporal pole gyrus, NH = network homogeneity, PCC = posterior cingulate cortex, rTLE = right TLE, ROI = region of interest, rs-fMRI = resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging, RT = reaction time, TLE = temporal lobe epilepsy.