
We propose a quantum oscillation experiment by which the rotation of an underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x sample about two different axes with respect to the orientation of the magnetic field can be used to infer the shape of the in-plane cross-section of corrugated Fermi surface cylinder(s). Deep corrugations in the Fermi surface are expected to give rise to nodes in the quantum oscillation amplitude that depend on the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic induction B. Because the symmetries of electron and hole cylinders within the Brillouin zone are expected to be very different, the topology can provide essential clues as to the broken symmetry responsible for the observed oscillations. The criterion for the applicability of this method to the cuprate superconductors (as well as other layered metals) is that the difference in quantum oscillation frequency 2 Delta F between the maximum (belly) and minimum (neck) extremal cross-sections of the corrugated Fermi surface exceeds vertical bar B vertical bar.

  • 出版日期2009-5-13