
Rhodamine appended thiourea/urea probes 1 and 2 have been designed and synthesized using simple chemical route. The Iigands 1 and 2 are hydrophobic in nature and were processed into organic nano particles (L1-2), which remained stable in aqueous medium. The organic nanoparticles have exhibited reasonable fluorescence emission, which remained unperturbed upon addition of a good range of organophosphates. However when assessed with various cations in buffered aqueous solution; Ll gave significant enhancement with chromium ion; on the contrary 12 was non-selective. Further, Ll.Cr(III) complex selectively detects azinphos methyl even in the presence of other organophosphates through cation displacement assay. Addition of azinphos methyl to the solution of L1.Cr(III) leads to the modulation of the fluorescence intensity and thus original emission intensity of Ll is restored. The detection limit of azinphos methyl is 1.73 nM. In addition, a metallic sheet precoated with silica was utilized for sensing of azinphos methyl. Real sample analysis of tap water, river water was executed to analyse the practical applicability of the sensor.

  • 出版日期2017-4