Phenotypic evaluation of trait types in Guzera cows of different calving orders

作者:de Lima Junior Dorgival Morais; do Nascimento Rangel Adriano Henrique; da Costa Lima Guilherme Ferreira; Macedo Mota Lucio Flavio; Difante Gelson dos Santos; Urbano Stela Antas; Pinheiro Waldonys Moreira
来源:Semina-Ciencias Agrarias, 2017, 38(4): 2755-2764.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of parity on linear trait types in Guzera cows using multivariate techniques. Data were collected from 68 purebred Guzera females, young (1st and 2nd calving order) and adults (3rd to 7th calving order). Measurements were collected using a tape measure, a hypometer, a 40 cm graduated ruler and a 180a protractor. PRCOMP procedure of the R program was used for analyzing the main components. The variables related to rump (height, angularity, ileum and ischium length and width), body (length), udder (height of posterior ligament) and milk production were more important to explain the phenotypic variation in Guzera cattle. Young Guzera cows had lower body length, narrower rumps, better udder ligaments and lower milk yield than adult cows.

  • 出版日期2017
