
Based on Hirota bilinear method, N-solitons, breathers, lumps and rogue waves as exact solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation are obtained. The impacts of the parameters on these solutions are analyzed. The parameters can influence and control the phase shifts, propagation directions, shapes and energies for these solutions. The single-kink soliton solution and interactions of two and three-kink soliton overtaking collisions of the Hirota bilinear equation are investigated in different planes. The breathers in three dimensions possess different dynamics in different planes. Via a long wave limit of breathers with indefinitely large periods, rogue waves are obtained and localized in time. It is shown that the rogue wave possess a growing and decaying line profile that arises from a nonconstant background and then retreat back to the same nonconstant background again. The results can be used to illustrate the interactions of water waves in shallow water. Moreover, figures are given out to show the properties of the explicit analytic solutions.