
To control West Nile Virus in the greater Toronto area of Ontario, Canada, S-methoprene (Altosid (R) XRbriquets 2.1% AI) is applied each year to storm water catch basins. Because the efficacy of the XRbriquets to reduce adult mosquito populations had not been evaluated locally and was influenced by organic debris in a pilot study, we compared the efficacy of the briquets in 17 sediment and debris-filled catch basins versus 20 catch basins that were vacuumed free of debris. Emergence rates approached 100% in the 5 untreated control catch basins. Emergence rates were significantly lower, and S-methoprene was detected more often and at higher levels, in debris-filled basins versus cleaned catch basins. Overall, 20% of pupae emerged from clean catch basins versus only 3% from debris-tilled ones, the difference between treatments becoming significant after 26 days. S-methoprene and total organic carbon concentrations in the catch basins were positively correlated (P < 0.001). We hypothesize that S-methoprene is binding to the organic fraction in the water and sediment in the debris-filled basins, prolonging S-methoprene doses, which are reflected in lower mosquito emergence rates.

  • 出版日期2010-6