
A quality assessment system comprised of a tandem technique of ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ultra-fast liquid chromatography (UFLC) aided by multivariate analysis was presented for the determination of geographic origin of Wolfiporia extensa collected from five regions in Yunnan Province of China. Characteristic UV spectroscopic fingerprints of samples were determined based on its methanol extract. UFLC was applied for the determination of pachymic acid (a biomarker) presented in individual test samples. The spectrum data matrix and the content of pachymic add were integrated and analyzed by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The results showed that chemical properties of samples were clearly dominated by the epidermis and inner part as well as geographical origins. The relationships among samples obtained from these five regions have been also presented. Moreover, an interesting finding implied that geographical origins had much greater influence on the chemical properties of epidermis compared with that of the inner part. This study demonstrated that a rapid tool for accurate discrimination of W. extensa by UV spectroscopy and UFLC could be available for quality control of complicated medicinal mushrooms.