
The current study examines the degree to which state intellectual capital, state religiosity and reproductive health form a meaningful nexus of ecological relations. Though the specific magnitude of effects vary across outcomes, results from hierarchical regression analyses were consistent with the hypothesized path model indicating that a state's intellectual capital (as indicated by average state IQ and graduation rates at various levels) has a positive overall effect on state reproductive health statistics, whereas state religiosity generally has a negative impact. Specifically, both IQ and education were positively associated with breastfeeding rates, immunization rates, and rates of mammography screening, and negatively associated with teen fertility rates and infant mortality rates. Additionally, results confirm that education rates partially mediate the influence of IQ onto religiosity, and both education and religiosity partially or fully mediate the relation between IQ and state health (depending on specific outcome measure). The current results are consistent with a growing interdisciplinary literature establishing that individual, state and national well-being is substantially related to general mental ability and its covariates.

  • 出版日期2011-2