A simple, inexpensive method for the rapid testing of the photocatalytic activity of self-cleaning surfaces

作者:Mills Andrew*; Hepburn James; Hazafy David; O' Rourke Christopher; Krysa Josef; Baudys Michal; Zlamal Martin; Bartkova Hana; Hill Claire E; Winn Kim R; Simonsen Morten E; Sogaard Erik G; Pillai Suresh C; Leyland Nigel S; Fagan Rachel; Neumann Frank; Lampe Christina; Graumann Tobias
来源:Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry , 2013, 272: 18-20.


A rapid, semi-quantitative, inexpensive method, using a simple digital scanner and an indicator ink, suitable for use in the laboratory, or in the field, for assessing the photocatalytic activity of commercial photocatalytic self-cleaning materials, such as glass, is described. The repeatability of the current method is found to be high and better than many of the previously reported ISO photocatalyst tests.