A comparison study of the potential risks induced in arable land and forest soils by carcass-derived pollutants

作者:Han Il; Yoo Keunje; Kang Bo Ram; No Jee Hyun; Wee Gui Nam; Khan Muhammad Imran; Jeong Tae Young; Lee Tae Kwon*
来源:Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2018, 40(1): 451-460.


Improper decisions concerning animal carcass disposal sites pose grave threats to environmental biosecurity. However, only a few studies have focused on the effects of different land-use types on the composition of carcass-derived pollutants and microbial responses to the disturbances. This study was conducted using soil microcosms with minced pork built from arable land and forest soils for 5 weeks. To compare the risk induced from different land-use types by carcass burial, the soil properties, the microbial community, and multiple-antibiotic-resistant bacteria were evaluated for microcosm containing 0, 1.5 and 7.5 g of minced pork. The abiotic properties, including pH, organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, significantly increased, regardless of the land-use types and applied load masses. The microbial diversity indices of the forest soil were reduced, whereas those of the arable land remained relatively stable. The disturbances produced from carcass-derived pollutants altered the bacterial community structures differently for the different land-use types. The treatment increased multiple-antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the both soil samples, although the increase in the forest soil was significantly less compared to the arable land soils.