作者:Stambolieva Katerina*; Marinov Emil; Kolev Ognjan; Gatev Plamen
来源:Comptes Rendus de l Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 2012, 65(5): 623-630.


We studied the postural stability of 176 healthy children (90 boys and 86 girls) aged between 5 and 10 years during quiet stance with eyes open and eyes closed and we measured their height and weight. The mean radius vector length of the centre-of-foot pressure (COP) in horizontal plane under the feet was used for evaluation of postural stability. The groups of boys and girls were stratified in one-year interval and the factors age, gender and vision for the standing balance were evaluated. We found that girls are swaying less than boys during age interval of 5-8 years. The adult-like use of vision for the standing balance was reached at the age of 10 years. We also found evidence that the turning point of the postural strategy of quiet stance is at the age of 8 years and it was more expressed in girls following an increase of sway with vision at the age of 7 years. At the age of 8 years we found an increased postural sway and a change in the use of vision in girls that coincides with turning points of the height and weight yearly built up between groups. The changes in the standing balance were non-monotonic, which suggests the complexity and difficulty of the development of both sensory and motor part of postural control of quiet stance during childhood.

  • 出版日期2012