Meatal Mobilization and Glanuloplasty: A Viable Option for Coronal and Glanular Hypospadias Repair

作者:Moradi Mahmoudreza*; Kazemzadeh Babak; Hood Brandy; Rezaee Haress; Kaseb Kaveh
来源:Urology, 2016, 94: 204-207.


OBJECTIVE To present the meatal mobilization with glanuloplasty inclusive (MMGPI) modification of meatal advancement and glanuloplasty inclusive. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 120 patients with anterior hypospadias underwent MMGPI between September 2008 and October 2014 at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Satisfactory outcomes were defined as continuous straight urinary flow and catheterization of new meatus without difficulty. Cosmetic outcomes were considered acceptable if patients maintained a slit-like meatus at the glanular tip. Patients were examined at 1 week, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS The 120 patients with anterior hypospadias underwent MMGPI. There were no hematoma, meatal necrosis, or other early complications. In patients with glanular hypospadias, there were no meatal regressions or stenosis, all voiding patterns were normal, and all patients maintained a slit-like meatus at the glanular tip. Two patients with coronal hypospadias had meatal stenosis and 2 patients had meatal regression. Five patients with sub-coronal hypospadias had 2-mm meatal regression with downward sloping urinary stream, and 2 patients had meatal stenosis. In all, meatus remained distal to the preoperative meatus with no necrosis. Small sample size was the major limitation of this study. CONCLUSION MMGPI represents a viable option for glanular and coronal hypospadias repair.

  • 出版日期2016-8