Mrc1 is required for sister chromatid cohesion to aid in recombination repair of spontaneous damage

作者:Xu H; Boone C; Klein HL*
来源:Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2004, 24(16): 7082-7090.


The SRS2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding a 3'-->5' DNA helicase is part of the postreplication repair pathway and functions to ensure proper repair of DNA damage arising during DNA replication through pathways that do not involve homologous recombination. Through a synthetic gene array analysis, genes that are essential when Srs2 is absent have been identified. Among these are MRC1, TOF1, and CSM3, which mediate the intra-S checkpoint response. srs2Delta mrc1Delta synthetic lethality is due to inappropriate recombination, as the lethality can be suppressed by genetic elimination of homologous recombination. srs2Delta mrc1A synthetic lethality is dependent on the role of Mrc1 in DNA replication but independent of the role of Mrc1 in a DNA damage checkpoint response. mrc1Delta, tof1Delta and csm3Delta mutants have sister chromatid cohesion defects, implicating sister chromatid cohesion established at the replication fork as an important factor in promoting repair of stalled replication forks through gap repair.

  • 出版日期2004-8