A Gallavotti-Cohen-Evans-Morriss Like Symmetry for a Class of Markov Jump Processes

作者:Barato Andre Cardoso*; Chetrite Raphael; Hinrichsen Haye; Mukamel David
来源:Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012, 146(2): 294-313.


We investigate a new symmetry of the large deviation function of certain time-integrated currents in non-equilibrium systems. The symmetry is similar to the well-known Gallavotti-Cohen-Evans-Morriss-symmetry for the entropy production, but it concerns a different functional of the stochastic trajectory. The symmetry can be found in a restricted class of Markov jump processes, where the network of microscopic transitions has a particular structure and the transition rates satisfy certain constraints. We provide three physical examples, where time-integrated observables display such a symmetry. Moreover, we argue that the origin of the symmetry can be traced back to time-reversal if stochastic trajectories are grouped appropriately.