
This paper is to discuss a line heat source model for studying the leakage of dykes in complex medium. Concentrated leakage passage generally is formed in the strata prior to piping in the dyke. When the leakage strata are composed of complex medium, including heterogeneous fracture, solution cave, crushed interlayer, and so on, the temperature of the dyke is determined by the temperature of the strata as well as the temperature of the flowing groundwater. Groundwater can affect the around medium directly through convective, or indirectly through heat-conduction. The temperature of the medium may be regularly distributed. Leakage water in the leakage passage is considered as a line heat source. Based on the theory of heat conduction, the leakage velocity was calculated. In the example, the calculation value is close to the data measured directly using isotope method.

  • 出版日期2010
