
Riparian buffers reduce subsurface nutrient losses to streams but there is a clear need to identify and prioritize locations for riparian buffer placement to optimize buffer performance. Scaling relations can be used to extrapolate hydrologic behavior within river networks and across catchments.
We combined field and laboratory measurements of soils and groundwater quality collected at five riparian monitoring sites of different stream-order scales with landscape analysis to accomplish the following objectives: (1) evaluate the degree to which riparian zone patterns and processes are scaled in a pre-Wisconsin glacial landscape; and (2) use the scaling information to identify optimal placement of riparian buffers in the landform region for nutrient reduction benefits.
Results indicated that there is proportional scaling of riparian zones within the region in terms of sediment texture, groundwater geochemistry and, to a lesser extent, in groundwater nutrient concentrations.
Placement of riparian buffers should be a priority along low order streams (< 3rd order) to best utilize the scaling characteristics of regional riparian zones, although buffering 2nd and 3rd streams may be the most cost effective locations.

  • 出版日期2018-1