
Volatile organic compound (VOC) emission from building materials into air has been quantified, characterized and modeled. Internal diffusion of VOC through a material based on Fick%26apos;s law of diffusion is the basis for mass transfer modeling of diffusive emission used to estimate VOC concentrations in air over time. Current mass transfer models have been shown to appropriately estimate air VOC concentrations at approximate room temperature, while other research has shown that temperature has a profound effect on the diffusion coefficient, D, of VOC in a material. Here, a mass transfer model is operated at 23 degrees C and 40 degrees C using input parameters applicable for each temperature. The model estimates are validated against environmental test chamber data for styrene emission from a vinyl ester resin thermoset composite material. The model correlates well with the 23 degrees C chamber data, but underestimates chamber data by as much as 10(-4) at 264 h for the 40 degrees C modeling. This suggests that the model requires adjustment for predicting VOC air concentrations at temperatures other than 23 degrees C.

  • 出版日期2013-12