Ferroelectric Switching: Giant Ferroelectric Resistance Switching Controlled by a Modulatory Terminal for Low‐Power Neuromorphic In‐Memory Computing (Adv. Mater. 21/2021)

作者:Xue Fei; He Xin; Wang Zhenyu; Retamal José Ramón Durán; Chai Zheng; Jing Lingling; Zhang Chenhui; Fang Hui; Chai Yang; Jiang Tao; Zhang Weidong; Alshareef Husam N.; Ji Zhigang; Li LainJong; He JrHau; Zhang Xixiang
来源:Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(21): 2170167.


In article number 2008709, Zhigang Ji, Lain‐Jong Li, Jr‐Hau He, Xixiang Zhang, and co‐workers use ferroelectric switching in the van der Waals ferroelectric α‐In2Se3 to increase the on/off ratio of heterosynaptic devices to over 103. The state‐of‐the‐art devices can fulfil in‐memory computing with ultralow operation currents and also realize high accuracy of pattern recognition with both supervised and unsupervised learning in simulated neural networks.