
O presente trabalho avaliou o potencial alelop芍tico de cultivos de cobertura vegetal de trigo, aveia preta, milheto, nabo forrageiro e colza sobre o desenvolvimento de plantas infestantes e verificou qual das coberturas vegetais exerce maior controle sobre as mesmas. Os cultivos de cobertura vegetal foram implantados sob preparo convencional (uma ara o e uma gradagem) no N迆cleo Experimental de Engenharia Agr赤cola (NEEA), da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paran芍 (Unioeste), Cascavel, Estado do Paran芍. Mensalmente, realizou-se o acompanhamento e identifica o das plantas infestantes emersas nas 芍reas de cobertura vegetal no per赤odo de agosto de 2000 a agosto de 2001. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que das esp谷cies encontradas, o capim marmelada foi o que apresentou maior potencial alelop芍tico e a erva-de-santa-maria o menor. As coberturasvegetais que apresentaram melhor controle do total de plantas infestantes presentes na 芍rea experimental, incluindo 角quelas com reconhecido potencial alelop芍tico, foram aveia preta, colza, nabo forrageiro e milheto. This work evaluated the cover crop allelopathic potential of wheat, black oat, pearl millet, turnip and rape on the development of weed plants. It also verified which cover crop has larger control on the weed plants. The cover crop was implanted under conventional tillage (one disk plowing plus one disk harrowing) in the Experimental Nucleus of Agricultural Engineering (NEEA), of the State University of the West of Paran芍 (Unioeste), Cascavel, Paran芍 State. Monthly (from August 2000 to August 2001), weed plants identification in the cover crop area was made. Results showed that from the found species, the alexander grass was the one that presented larger allelopathic potential, and, the mexican-tea was the one that presented smaller control. The vegetable coverings that presented larger control of the total of weed plants in the experimental area, including those with recognized allelopathic potential, was black oat, rape, turnip and pearl millet.

  • 出版日期2006
