A note: Minmax due-date assignment problem with lead-time cost

作者:Mor Baruch; Mosheiov Gur*; Shabtay Dvir
来源:COMPUTERS %26 OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 2013, 40(8): 2161-2164.


All three major classes of due-date assignment models (CON, SLK and DIF) have been solved in the literature for a minsum setting, and only two of them (CON and SLK) have been solved for a minmax setting. In this note we introduce a solution for the missing minmax model of DIF. Specifically, we study a single-machine scheduling and due-date assignment problem, in which job-dependent lead-times are considered. Three cost components for each job are assumed: earliness cost, tardiness cost, and the cost for delaying the due-date (beyond its lead-time). The goal is to schedule the jobs and to assign due-dates, such that the maximum cost among all the jobs is minimized. We introduce an O(nlog(2)n) solution algorithm (where n is the number of jobs).