
BACKGROUND: The techniques and applications of 3-dimensional (3D) printing have progressed at a fast pace. In the last 10 years, there has been significant progress in applying this technology to medical applications. We present a case of osteogenesis imperfecta in which treatment was aided by prospectively using patient-specific, anatomically accurate 3D prints of the calvaria. The patient-specific, anatomically accurate 3D prints were used in the clinic and in the operating room to augment patient education, improve surgical decision making, and enhance preoperative planning. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 41-year-old woman with osteogenesis imperfecta and an extensive neurosurgical history presented for cranioplasty revision. Computed tomography (CT) data obtained as part of routine preoperative imaging were processed into a 3D model. The 3D patient-specific models were used in the clinic for patient education and in the operating room for preoperative visualization, planning, and intraoperative evaluation of anatomy. The patient reported the 3D models improved her understanding and comfort with the planned surgery when compared with discussing the procedure with the neurosurgeon or viewing the CT images with a neuroradiologist. The neurosurgeon reported an improved understanding of the patient's anatomy and potential cause of patient symptoms as well as improved preoperative planning compared with viewing the CT imaging alone. The neurosurgeon also reported an improvement in the planned surgical approach with a better intraoperative visualization and confirmation of the regions of planned calvarial resection. CONCLUSIONS: The use of patient-specific, anatomically accurate 3D prints may improve patient education, surgeon understanding and visualization, preoperative decision making, and intraoperative management.

  • 出版日期2017-11