
The main particularity of gesture-based learning is that users interact in the learning process in the same way as they interact in the non-digital world. It can also support kinesthetic pedagogical practices to benefit users with strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. However, without proper assistance or guidance, the performance of gesture-based learning is usually not satisfied. To cope with this problem, the aim of this paper is to propose a concept map-oriented approach with a gesture-based learning system in the basic engineering circuit course. There were ninety-three participants in the experiments designed with the three learning approaches: concept map-oriented gesture-based learning, conventional gesture-based learning, and traditional e-book learning. The experimental results showed that the concept map-oriented learning approach with the gesture-based learning system increased the learning performance of the students in the basic engineering circuit course more than traditional e-book learning and the conventional gesture-based learning approach did.

  • 出版日期2014