
Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is the most widely used interdialytic lock solution but has no anti-infectious properties. Ethanol at a content >= 40 %v/v eradicates experimental biofilm but has no anticoagulant properties. In contrast to UFH, enoxaparin (Enox) can be combined with 40 % ethanol without precipitation. Enoxaparin 400 UI/mL-40 % ethanol (Enox/Eth) has antibiofilm properties and therefore has promise as an alternative lock solution. This study assessed the anticoagulant properties of Enox/Eth. Enox and Enox/Eth were diluted in whole blood at a final Enox concentration of 0.5, 1 (N = 6 samples), 1.5 (N = 4) and 2 (N = 6) IU/mL. Anti-Xa activity was determined by chromogenic assay and the inhibition of endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) by thrombinography. Quantitative data were compared by the Mann-Withney U test. For Enox concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 UI/mL in whole blood samples, the mean +/- SD values of the anti-Xa activity were 0.68 +/- 0.09, 1.26 +/- 0.14, 1.73 +/- 0.30, 2.35 +/- 0.32 UI/mL for Enox/Eth and 0.94 +/- 0.15, 1.80 +/- 0.22, 2.74 +/- 0.23, 3.54 +/- 0.44 UI/mL for Enox (P = 0.03, P = 0.03, P = 0.13, P = 0.03); and of the percentage of ETP inhibition was 17.36 +/- 9.65, 30.27 +/- 17.06, 36.5 +/- 17.06, 57.82 +/- 15.42 for Enox/Eth, and 42.96 +/- 15.68, 68.93 +/- 10.01, 83.5 +/- 8.81, 91.19 +/- 4.67 for Enox (P = 0.03, P = 0.03, P = 0.13, P = 0.03), respectively. The median and IQR values of Enox concentration inhibiting 50 % of ETP (IC50 ETP) were 1.8 [1.1-2.4] IU/mL for Enox/Eth and 0.7 [0.3-0.9] IU/mL for Enox, P = 0.03. Enox/Eth has strong anticoagulant activity, albeit lower than that of Enox, but with an extremely low IC50 ETP compared to the Enox concentration of non-diluted Enox/Eth.

  • 出版日期2015-12-1