Caracterizaˋˋo citogen谷tica em Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (Mimosoideae) e Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. (Sterculiaceae)

作者:Ortolani; Flavia Aparecida; Melloni; Maria Natalia Guindalini; Mariotto; Cecilia Fernanda Greggio; Moro; Jose Roberto
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2010.


karyotype analyses are important aid tools for taxonomic relationship studies. native arboreal species found in the brazilian %26quot;cerrado%26quot; have been poorly analyzed cytogenetically and cytotaxonomically. to determine diploid chromosome number, biometry and chromosome morphology of anadenanthera colubrina (%26quot;angico-branco%26quot;) and guazuma ulmifolia (%26quot;mutambo%26quot;), seeds of these species were collected in tr那s lagoas municipality, mato grosso do sul, brazil. the use of 8-hydroxiquinoleine 0.003m at 36oc, for three hours caused chromosome separation. giemsa coloration 2% for three minutes allowed the karyological study. chromosome classification was based on the centromeric index. anadenanthera colubrina has 2n = 26 chromosomes with chromosome medium length of 1.349 米m ㊣ 0.017 and karyotype formulation 8sm + 14m + 2t + 2ac. guazuma ulmifolia has 2n = 16 chromosomes with medium length of 1.225 米m ㊣ 0.023 and karyotype formulation 4sm + 10m + 2t. these results can subsidize taxonomic and chromosomic manipulation studies, as well as the production of hybrid progenies in improvement programs.

  • 出版日期2010
