
Background: Rate of thalidomide-related VTE and risk factors in Japanese myeloma patients are not clear and effects of thromboprophylaxis remain controvertial. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort data of registered Japanese myeloma patients treated with thalidomide-based regimens between 2009 and 2010. Primary endpoint was rate of symptomatic VTE. Secondary endpoints were associations between VTE and clinical factors including age, gender, disease characteristics and duration, history of VTE, immobilization, comorbidities, treatment regimens, and laboratory parameters of Hb, leukocyte, platelet and FDP or D-dimer level, and effects of thromboprophylaxis with aspirin or warfarin. Statistical analysis was performed by Fischer's exact test and Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test to control for confounders, and t test for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Results: 1035 refractory or relapsed myeloma patients were followed up for a median of 112 days(range 2-311 days), and 14 (1.4%) developed VTE with a median treatment of 31 days (range 9-134 days) with thalidomide. Treatments with or without other agents lead to similar rates of VTE, 1.7% and 1.1%, respectively (p=0.43) and no specific clinical factors influenced development of VTE. Thromboprophylaxis with aspirin or warfarin did not reduce risk of VTE; VTE with or without aspirin: 1.4% and 1.3% (p=1.00), and warfarin: 2.4% and 1.3% (0.31), respectively. Conclusions: Rate of VTE is low in Japanese myeloma patients treated with thalidomide. Risk factors and effects of thromboprophylaxis with aspirin or warfarin are not apparent, however, controlled randomized studies of larger scale are needed for statistically valid conclusion.

  • 出版日期2013-2