
The factors that influence the scope and range of visitors' culinary choices were the focus of this study. Responses to a survey composed of 968 departing visitors from Hong Kong who reside in one of 18 countries revealed that culinary experimentation is influenced by four factors. They are in order of importance: national culture; length of stay; age; and repeat visitation. Specifically, respondents from low uncertainty avoidance countries patronized a greater number and diversity of culinary offers when compared to respondents from high uncertainty avoidance countries. In addition, repeat visitors and length of stay were positively correlated with both the number and range of culinary explorations, while first-time visitors and age were negatively correlated. The implications for managers is that visitors of different nationalities travel to destinations with different thresholds of tastes and uncertainty avoidance thresholds, and differences should be anticipated in terms of dining preferences and ranges of culinary experiences.