
Archaeological research on Carriacou in the southern Grenadines has demonstrated that despite its relatively small size, the island was inhabited prehistorically for at least a thousand years (ca. AD 400-1400) and has an unusually large number of sites. Over the past decade we have conducted research at two major coastal village sites-Grand Bay and Sabazan-that have revealed an archaeologically rich heritage, but one that is also extremely threatened as a result of looting, sand mining, and tidal erosion. Here we provide a brief summary of research from seven field seasons on Carriacou with a focus on results from the 2014 project in what has become one of the longest continuously running field programs in the region. Results demonstrate that Carriacou was: 1) settled slightly later in time ( ca. AD 400) compared to nearby islands with higher elevations; 2) engaged in widespread exchange with other islands and possibly mainland South America as evidenced by the discovery of translocated animals, non-local pottery, and ritual objects; and 3) heavily focused on the exploitation of marine resources for subsistence.

  • 出版日期2014