
In this study, compound eyes of two species of talitrid amphipods - Talorchestia spinifera from Asilah (Atlantic coast of Morocco) and Talitrus saltator from Oued Laou (Mediterranean coast of Morocco), Maremma Regional Park and Palizzi Marina (Tyrrhenian and Ionic coasts of Italy) - were compared. Both T. spinifera and T. saltator possess compound apposition eyes, with ommatidia separated by a connective coating which is thicker in T. spinifera and incomplete in T. saltator. The lenses of each ommatidium are crossed by a vesicular structure (previously undescribed) that differs between the two species for its whole orientation across the eye. This different arrangement of the structure in the two species suggests a number of specific adaptations to their visual habitats. These adaptations are discussed.

  • 出版日期2010