
On the basis of the generalised equation of the kinetics of solid state reactions and the method of Friedman, a new approach for determination of the kinetic models and the thermal parameters of processes of mass destruction was developed. The approach is based on kinetic calculations using pooled data obtained from experiments at different heating rates and regression analysis. With the new approach, the reliability of the determination of the activation energy and the choice of kinetic function is increased by checking the significance of the parameters determined and kinetic model adequacy.
Effective filtration of the experimental data was developed, as well as a suitable method for calculating the conversion rate which leads to increased precision of the identification and the parameterisation of the models of the reaction process.
A study on the kinetics of non-isothermal decomposition of calcium carbonate was carried out. The results were compared to these obtained by other methods. They indicated that the research approach was correct and the results obtained are of high precision and reliability.

  • 出版日期2013