X-ray powder diffraction data for tectoridin, C22H22O11

作者:Li, YuanZhi; Tang, PeiXiao; Xu, KaiLin; Li, ShanShan; Guo, LiuQi; Lia, Hui*
来源:Powder Diffraction, 2016, 31(1): 52-54.


X-ray powder diffraction data, unit-cell parameters, and space group for tectoridin, C22H22O11, are reported [a = 13.577 (2) angstrom, b = 10.466 (8) angstrom, c = 9.454 (7) angstrom, alpha = 85.709 (4)degrees, beta = 94.855 (3)degrees, gamma = 101.485 (3)degrees, unit-cell volume V = 1309.50 angstrom(3), Z = 2, rho = 1.179 x 10(3) kg m(-3), and space group P1]. No detectable impurity was observed.
