
Currently used high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line pilot protections are not fully adapt to the influence of converter control characteristics. Fault characteristics of the average value of the PI controlled current error in both ends converters were analyzed. Internal and external faults are distinguishable by identifying the characteristic inequalities which consist with both ends average current errors. Using the characteristic inequalities and the relationship between current error and current order in HVDC control system, a novel pilot protection scheme was proposed. The proposed protection principle is simple, and does not require distributed capacitance compensation, and also fundamentally utilizes converter control characteristics. Comparing with current differential protection, the proposed principle has the identical high resistance tolerance, while does not require transient interlock and is fast reactive. Comparing with recent researches of pilot protection, the proposed protection has long operation zone and is more reliable. Digital simulations confirm the completeness and reliability of the proposed protection.

  • 出版日期2016
